Title: Adobe Client Announcement
Client: Myriad
Skills: Creative Direction, Storyboarding, Set Design, Stop-Motion
Myriad wanted to announce its partnership with Adobe through an eye-catching stop-motion piece, while also showcasing the multiude of mediums that Adobe covers.
Executive Producer: Will Feichter
❋ Director: Emily Mormann
❋ Production Designer: Emily Mormann
Creative Director: Max Zampieri
Director of Photography: Max Zampieri
Producer: Jedidiah Gant
Assistant Producer: Alysse Campbell
Creative + Production Assistant: Aviana Vickers
Production Assistant: Melissa Douglas
Editors: Brent Edwards + Alejandro Lechuga
Title: We Await
Client: Antioch Raleigh
Skills: Creative Direction, Editing, Graphic Design
Antioch Raleigh invited me to participate in bringing visuals to a powerful spoken word piece, to be released to the congregation on Christmas Day. It was a challenge and sacrifice to pull some late nights during the holidays with family, but even years later the whole team remains proud of this one.
Producer: Antioch Community Church Raleigh
Writers: Jasmine Etterman & Leslie Medlin
❋ Creative Director: Emily Mormann
❋ Editor: Emily Mormann
Audio Recording: Etterman
Assistant Editor: Brad Wilser
Audio Engineering: Jon Semba
With a newfound love for digital collage, I wanted to add some movement to this style by trying my hand in animation for Mother’s Day 2020.
❋ Art Director: Emily Mormann
Sound Designer: Dan Schneider
Title: Mother’s Day 2020
Client: Centerline
Skills: Creative Direction, Cel Animation
Title: Centerween
Client: Centerline
Skills: Creative Direction, Storyboarding, Prop Sourcing, Stop-Motion
This project was a just-for-fun social piece during a slow week at the office, and gave me the opportunity to tackle stop-motion as a new skillset (thanks to the guidance of some talented co-workers!).
❋ Art Director: Emily Mormann
❋ Photography: Emily Mormann
Lighting: Andrew Martin
Sound Design: Dan Schneider
Motion Design: Haley Revels
Final Exporting: Emily Neuschafer
Stop Motion Consulting: Alfredo Tognetti